
Scene manages the environment where the agent trains. We include a`StadiumScene` and a BuildingScene.


class gibson2.core.physics.scene.StadiumScene

A simple stadium scene for debugging



class gibson2.core.physics.scene.BuildingScene(model_id, trav_map_resolution=0.1, trav_map_erosion=2, build_graph=True, is_interactive=False, num_waypoints=10, waypoint_resolution=0.2, pybullet_load_texture=False)

Gibson Environment building scenes

__init__(model_id, trav_map_resolution=0.1, trav_map_erosion=2, build_graph=True, is_interactive=False, num_waypoints=10, waypoint_resolution=0.2, pybullet_load_texture=False)

Load a building scene and compute traversability

  • model_id – Scene id

  • trav_map_resolution – traversability map resolution

  • trav_map_erosion – erosion radius of traversability areas, should be robot footprint radius

  • build_graph – build connectivity graph

  • is_interactive – whether the scene is interactive. If so, we will replace the annotated objects with the corresponding CAD models and add floor planes with the original floor texture.

  • num_waypoints – number of way points returned

  • waypoint_resolution – resolution of adjacent way points

  • pybullet_load_texture – whether to load texture into pybullet. This is for debugging purpose only and does not affect what the robots see


Initialize scene