# Robots ### Overview We provide a wide variety of **Robots** that can be imported into the **Simulator**. | Agent Name | DOF | Information | Controller | |:-------------: | :-------------: |:-------------: |:-------------| | Mujoco Ant | 8 | [OpenAI Link](https://blog.openai.com/roboschool/) | Torque | | Mujoco Humanoid | 17 | [OpenAI Link](https://blog.openai.com/roboschool/) | Torque | | Husky Robot | 4 | [ROS](http://wiki.ros.org/Robots/Husky), [Manufacturer](https://www.clearpathrobotics.com/) | Torque, Velocity, Position | | Minitaur Robot | 8 | [Robot Page](https://www.ghostrobotics.io/copy-of-robots), [Manufacturer](https://www.ghostrobotics.io/) | Sine Controller | | Quadrotor | 6 | [Paper](https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1705&context=edissertations) | Torque | | TurtleBot | 2 | [ROS](http://wiki.ros.org/Robots/TurtleBot), [Manufacturer](https://www.turtlebot.com/) | Torque, Velocity, Position, Differential Drive | | Freight | 2 | [Fetch Robotics Link](https://fetchrobotics.com/robotics-platforms/freight-base/) | Torque, Velocity, Position, Differential Drive| | Fetch | 10 | [Fetch Robotics Link](https://fetchrobotics.com/robotics-platforms/freight-base/) | Torque, Velocity, Position, Differential Drive | | JackRabbot | 2 & 7 | [Stanford Project Link](http://cvgl.stanford.edu/projects/jackrabbot/) | Torque, Velocity, Position, Differential Drive | | LocoBot | 2 | [ROS](http://wiki.ros.org/locobot), [Manufacturer](https://www.trossenrobotics.com/locobot-pyrobot-ros-rover.aspx) | Torque, Velocity, Position, Differential Drive | Typically, these robot classes take in the URDF file or MuJoCo XML file of an robot (in `gibson2.assets_path`) and provide a `load` function that be invoked externally (usually by `import_robot` of `Simulator`). The `load` function imports the robot into PyBullet. All robot clases inherit `LocomotorRobot`. Some useful functions are worth pointing out: - `{get/set}_{position/orientation/rpy/linear_velocity/angular_velocity}`: get and set the physical states of the robot base - `apply_robot_action`: set motor control for each of the controllable joints. It currently supports four modes of control: joint torque, velocity, position, and differential drive for two-wheeled robots - `calc_state`: compute robot states that might be useful for external applications - `robot_specific_reset`: reset the robot joint states to their default value, particularly useful for mobile manipulators. For instance, `Fetch.robot_specific_reset()` will reset the robot to be something like this: ![fetch.png](images/fetch.png) Here are some details about how we perform motor control for robots: - Say the robot uses joint velocity control `self.control == 'velocity'` - We assume the external user (say an RL agent) will call `apply_action` with `policy_action` that is always between `-1` and `1`. - `policy_action` will be scaled to `robot_action` by `policy_action_to_robot_action` based on the action space. The action space is set by `config['velocity']` in the YAML config file - `robot_action` will be applied by `apply_robot_action`, which internally executes the following: ```python def apply_robot_action(action): for n, j in enumerate(self.ordered_joints): j.set_motor_velocity(self.velocity_coef * j.max_velocity * float(np.clip(action[n], -1, +1))) ``` Note that `robot_action` is a normalized joint velocity, i.e. `robot_action[n] == 1.0` means executing the maximum joint velocity for the nth joint. The limits of joint position, velocity and torque are extracted from the URDF file of the robot. Most of the code can be found here: [gibson2/core/physics/robot_locomotors.py](https://github.com/StanfordVL/iGibson/blob/master/gibson2/core/physics/robot_locomotors.py). ### Examples In this example, we import four different robots into PyBullet. We keep them still for around 10 seconds and then move them with small random actions for another 10 seconds. The code can be found here: [examples/demo/robot_example.py](https://github.com/StanfordVL/iGibson/blob/master/examples/demo/robot_example.py). ```python from gibson2.core.physics.robot_locomotors import Locobot, Turtlebot, JR2_Kinova, Fetch from gibson2.utils.utils import parse_config import os import time import numpy as np import pybullet as p import pybullet_data def main(): p.connect(p.GUI) p.setGravity(0,0,-9.8) p.setTimeStep(1./240.) floor = os.path.join(pybullet_data.getDataPath(), "mjcf/ground_plane.xml") p.loadMJCF(floor) robots = [] config = parse_config('../configs/fetch_p2p_nav.yaml') fetch = Fetch(config) robots.append(fetch) config = parse_config('../configs/jr_p2p_nav.yaml') jr = JR2_Kinova(config) robots.append(jr) config = parse_config('../configs/locobot_p2p_nav.yaml') locobot = Locobot(config) robots.append(locobot) config = parse_config('../configs/turtlebot_p2p_nav.yaml') turtlebot = Turtlebot(config) robots.append(turtlebot) positions = [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0] ] for robot, position in zip(robots, positions): robot.load() robot.set_position(position) robot.robot_specific_reset() robot.keep_still() for _ in range(2400): # keep still for 10 seconds p.stepSimulation() time.sleep(1./240.) for _ in range(2400): # move with small random actions for 10 seconds for robot, position in zip(robots, positions): action = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, robot.action_dim) robot.apply_action(action) p.stepSimulation() time.sleep(1./240.0) p.disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` The four robots will have a fun cocktail party like this: ![robot](images/robot.png)